Tuesday, December 20, 2011



So, this week was way short, and waaayyy long. We went to Recife for Wednesday and Thursday so that was cool...i mean HOT... But Wednesday we went to... THE TEMPLE! Woo hoo! I love the Temple. SO much. I actually stayed in the Celestial Room for about an hour and i got about 10 mintues to myself after everyone else left the room to think and pray and sort out some things that are going through my mind right now! It was so good.

The Thursday we had our meeting of Christmas! It was very good, but we didnt get home until about 9:30 or so at night.

Friday - I went and did my first interview for a baptism! It was...interesting. The baptism was a woman named Iolanda (Yolanda) and she is one of a kind. I was actually one of the missionaries who found her! It was about 3 months ago on a division with Elder Locatelli.  So she remembered me and of course i remembered her, and it was a joyace occasion and it filled my heart with happiness to know that I had been a part in her conversion. I just didnt know how big of a part. So...the interview lasted for about 2 hours... in the while we talked about everything that had happened after the night i had met her. She told me how much she remembered that first night when she met the misisonaries (Elder Locatelli and I) and how big of a difference she had in her life because of us. Then she asked if I would baptise her... so of course i did! Friday night we had her wedding and then her baptism. It was such a wonderful night and just such a fufilling feeling. I felt so wonderful to know that she was making the right decisions in her life!

Saturday - Saturday was pretty normal except for the night. We went to a members house to be led to a reference that she had for us. We arrived and the member left... we werent expecting that. But then we met Evoni. She is a wonderful woman who had 4 kids living and no husband. But she has a heart of gold. Her oldest son and her parents were killed about a year ago in the same week and ever since then, she has been scarred. She is questioning why God left her on the earth and took so many people that she loved out of her life. She said she doesnt want to suffer anymore, but she just wants to find the peace she once had in her life. Lucky for her, we have the only cure for this sickness. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught her and told her that if we live good lives and follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we can not only live with our families again after this life, but we can live with them in the presence of our Heavenly Father too. She said at the end of the lesson that she felt a little better and she wants to learn more, and wants our help in finding a way to be happy in life again. I love her.

Sunday - Suday was alright, Evoni went to church along with another very special girl that we are teaching, Danielle. She is so smart and knows a lot more than she  thinks about the Gospel. She is the friend of Davi and I hope that when she really knows that this church is true she will follow his wonderful example and be baptised by someone holding the authority of God.

Love you all so very much and have a Merry Merry Christmas! Remember why we have Christmas and always remember the Saviors birth and death. He did so many things for us in His life. Lets give a little back this Christmas Season.

Com amor,
Elder Moore

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This week was way good. We had the baptism of Davi and he chose me to baptize him! Woo hoo! My filhão is doing very well and im very proud of him! He is growing up so fast... :) Im just trying to teach him as much as I can.

Well, its hot here during the day...really hot...but during the night its way nice so we sleep with the windows open and its wonderful. I love being in the mountains! :)

Com amor,
Elder Moore

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec. 5th, 2011

Im so lucky to be a trainer, but its a little intimidading at times. I only have 6 months and this guys looks up to me and expects me to know everything! He is way cool though and I love him.

I was pretty sick but that was a while ago! I was coughing up a storm and had a fever of 39.6! It was pretty cool :) but thats all over now so dont worry! Be happy! :)

This past week was a little slow becuase i had to stay in Recife to wait for my kid, but when we got home we started things off with a bang. We found a lot of new people this week to teach, and we marked the baptism of one of my best friends. David! I dont remember how much ive told you about him, but he is a miraculous young man. He has 16 years and is a friend of a member. We have been teaching him for about a month and He is doing so well. He bore his testimony yesterday in church and said that he hopes everyone on this earth can have the change of heart that he had and come to know of the Church of Jesus Christ that we have here on the earth again. It was powerful... and I got to be a part of that conversion! Im so happy for him. He will be baptised this Saturday and Im so excited for him!

Well, not too much happened this week, but we will just continue to work more and more and help more and more people come to the knowledge of this wonderful Gospel.

I love you all and Im so happy that we have this chance during our lives to be members of this church. I know that this church is true, that we can be together forever, and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help anyone with any problem about anything at any time in their life. For this, I am a missionary.

Com amor,
Elder Moore.