Monday, January 7, 2013

Helllllooooooooooooooo to everyone! 

I'm in a city (really tiny city) of about 16,000 people called Camocim de São Felix. It's a TINY little city that we can walk across in about 15 mintues (missionary speed). It is a little branch with about 30-40 people who attend every week. We started the meeting yesterday with 9, but by sacrament meeting we we at about 35 or so. 

The altitude is waaayyyy higher here so yes, it is cold(er)!!! It makes me happy and when the sun goes down it is actually really really nice. Not the blistering heat like Recife. 

There are a couple members who are great, but not too many that help, I guess that's why it's still a branch. With the help of the members, it is impossible NOT to grow. But it looks like this place being one entire city for 2 missionaries was a good place to be a bad missionary a couple years ago or so, and now the members are slowly trusting the missionaries to be good people again. 

The house is a very simple house in line with all of the others on the street. It is very safe here, so there is nothing too worry about. It's great having a Brazillian companion! His name is Elder Kliggendorf (that name is definitly not brazillian, but german) and he is from Paraná - one of the southern states. He is a great guy and has 8 months on the mission. We have been working a TON these past couple days and made up for some lost time that he had with some other companions. 

Yesterday I saw the fruits of our long days. We marked the baptisms of a mother and daughter for this saturday and I'm expecting to mark the baptisms of 3 more either today or tomorrow for this saturday as well. Being that I don't know if I'll stay here or be transfered (presidente pretty much said last thursday that he didn't know what was going to happen, that's why i only brought a backpack full of things I need for 10 days). So I've very excited for this week and to see what happens. It really strengthen my testimony of fasting and prayer. 

We are teaching a lot and I don't know if there is anything better in the missionary world than what I have right now. 

Well about the accents, it alot like it was in my first area since I'm more in the middle of the state in the country right now rather in the city. I feel like I'm in my first area again and I love it so much! 

I'm deffinitly in the country and it's not too green here, but there are plenty of large hills (almost mountains but not quite) and there are farms everywhere. It's pretty secluded and a really poor place though. 

Well, I love you all so much and hope the best for all of you this coming week! Ask me more questions so that I can write more to y'all! 


Elder Moore

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